Who I Help

If you are a woman between the ages of 30 and 60, you are undoubtedly experiencing transitions:

  • Your children are getting older; what is the impact on you, your identity and your role as a mother?

  • You are an empty nester, or an apprehensive soon-to-be empty nester

  • You are undergoing divorce, whether planned or not

  • You feel you’ve lost your sense of self in your singular role as mom or wife

  • You want to re-enter the work force after a long career pause

  • You want to shift careers

  • You want to parent your adolescents with more calm and conviction, and less struggle and frustration

  • You have become overwhelmed by all the demands of everyone around you, and forgotten about your demands

  • You want something different or something more for yourself, even if you have no idea what! That’s OK and that’s why you’re here.

I hear you. I’ve got you.  I can help you.

HOW I Help

Hour-long, 1:1 weekly coaching sessions with me; text/email support in between

  • Tap into YOU; not the mom or wife version of you, the authentic YOU

  • Map out your values and priorities

  • Identify and clarify your visions, wants and goals

  • Identify thought patterns that may stand in the way of your visions

  • Challenge old, limiting beliefs; replace them with empowering beliefs

  • Create concrete, manageable goals

  • Design the action steps that will eventually lead you to completion of those goals

  • Provide an accountability structure, support and guidance to keep you on your path

  • Learn new ways of coping with adversity or blocks along the way

Hear From Others

Start your empowerment journey.